intermediate new media in art: project proposal

Street photography image I took for my final project last term.

For my project I would like to work more with photography and continue my final project from last term. I'm an avid photographer and have loved taking pictures for years. I took three photography classes in high school, and have always tried to capture things that catch my eye. For my final project I worked on last term I went around outside near campus and photographed just that. A common theme that emerged was candids and street photography esque. 

For this term's project I would like to continue and explore more with this theme. My idea right now is to create a new and longer photobook to illustrate my images. Also potentially some inkjet prints as well. Some street photographers that inspire me are Dorothea Lange (famous street and documentary photographer who captured what life was really like during the Great Depression) and Joel Meyerowitz (contemporary street and portrait photographer who advocated for the use of color in photography when it was not popular). I would also like to experiement with both color and black and white photography. It would also be great some pictures in the snow, which I didn't get last term. I'm from California where we get no snow, so I would love to get some beautiful snowy pictures here in Appleton as well.

My plan is to go out and photograph each week, edit, and narrow down to the best images to create my photobook with. Through my images I wish to express the real and true humanity of people behind fronts put up and social media: emotion, relationships, and empathy. 


  1. You were SUCH a good photographer!!!! I always take for a walk off campus, and I would like to recommend you some good places to take pictures!

  2. I love your photography and am excited to see what you do (especially since it will be gradually taking photos over a longer time, seeing weather changes and such). Good luck on the project!

  3. Hehe I'm so excited to see more of your photography! I really like your approach to photography and can't wait to see what the photobook will consist of. It's intriguing and a bit magical to see a bunch of independent works slowly come together and be connected by sublime underlying narratives...


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